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Tahkofest Evening Parties

The Tahkofest evening parties are held on both Friday and Saturday at Piazza, Hophaus, and Kunkku. You can purchase tickets for the parties at Piazza and Hophaus through the service. There are a limited number of student-priced tickets available for sale at the door for the parties at Kunkku.


Tickets will go on sale on November 4, 2024, at 10:00 AM on the service. Single tickets will also be available at the door.

Friday, January 31
Price: €14.00
Bee – at 12 AM

Saturday, February 1
Price: €19,00
Mouhous – at 12 AM

Live After Ski

Hophaus Tahko

Tickets will go on sale on November 4, 2024, at 10:00 AM on the service. A limited number of tickets will also be available at the door.

Friday, January 31
Price: €12.00
Lyttä & Tohtori Getto – at 10 PM

Saturday, February 1
Price: €12.00
Pihlaja – at 10 PM

After Ski